129 Main St, Davenport, IA 52801
Third floor of the Redstone Building

(2nd Street and Main, above the River Music Experience) 

Spine-taneous, a creative collaboration exploring the spine, is a community project of independent artist and chiropractors, joining together to celebrate the process of getting ideas. This experiment has taken two vital industries in our community that have one common aspect to their work (the spine) and brought them together to create new artwork and music that express the conceptual ideas that they find through collaboration.

Palmer College of Chiropractic will host a reception as part of the exhibition celebration.


Artists and Chiropractors Exhibiting

Artists and Chiropractors participating in the collaboration include Steve Banks, Dr. Richard Boyer, Dr. Ann Marie Campagna, Emily Christenson, Dr. Peter Crocker, Allison Filley, Dr. Julie Johnson, Dr. Tyler Johnson, Linda Kelty, Katie Kiley, Dr. Jay Kitzman, Dean Kugle, Paul Herrera, Leonard Metallo, Jr., Amy Nielsen, Dr. Traci Nelson, Jacki R. Olson, Dr. Tara Pratt, Terry Rathje, Dr. Karen Smith, Dr. Martin Stine, Dr. Kevin Wapelhorst, and Dawn Wolford-Metallo

Visit our Facebook Page for current updates at https://www.facebook.com/Spinetaneous